WWF Wrestlers: Al Snow: AlandHead@aol.com
Billy Gunn: WWFBABilly@aol.com
Dan Severn: SevernDD@cbpu.com
Gangrel: PyroKnight@hotmail.com
Gerald Brisco: WWFBrisco@aol.com
Gillberg: Gillberg@WWF.com
Howard Finkel: WWFFink@aol.com
Headbanger Mosh: WWFMosh@aol.com
Headbanger Thrasher: WWFThrashr@aol.com
Jerry "The King" Lawler: JerLawler@aol.com
Jerry "The King" Lawler: USWALawler@aol.com
Kevin Kelly: WWFKKelly@aol.com
Michael Cole: MichalCole@aol.com
Mick Foley: Mankind@WWF.com
Mean Street Posse: Posse@WWF.com
Paul Bearer: WWFBearer@aol.com
"The Road Dogg" Jesse James: Roadogg@aol.com
Stephanie McMahon: WWFSteph@aol.com
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin: TufSOB316@aol.com
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin: SJWilliams@aol.com
The Kat: StacyMissKitty@aol.com
Triple-H: D_Generate42@hotmail.com
Triple-H: HHHDX999@aol.com
Triple-H: WWFHHH@hotmail.com
Triple-H: TripleHHH@aol.com
Val Venis: WWFValVenis@hotmail.com
Vince McMahon: VinceMcMahon@WWF.com
Vince McMahon: WWF@WWF.com
Vince McMahon: VKMcMahon@aol.com
WWF Magazine Editor: WWFEditor@WWF.com
WWF Creative Team (Feedback): WWFFans@WWF.com
"WWF Livewire": Livewire@WWF.com
X-Pac: SWXPAC@aol.com
X-Pac: SeanWaltman@hotmail.com
Chris Jericho:Wall of Jericho@webtv.net

Kurt Angle:Kurt@kurtanglewwf.com

Trish Stratus:trish@trishstratus.com

HBK"aka:Shawn Michaels:HBKkliq@hotmail.com

Billy Gunn:babilly@aol.com


WCW Wrestlers: Arn Anderson: dfmlt@erols.com
Billy Kidman: Kidman511@aol.com
Bret "Hitman" Hart: Bret_Hart@calgary.ca
Bret "Hitman" Hart: Bret_Hitman_Hart@hotmail.com
Bret "Hitman" Hart Fan Club: HITMANclub@aol.com
"Buff" Bagwell (fan mail): love@fsifulfillment.com
"Buff" Bagwell (hate mail): hate@fsifulfillment.com
Chavo Guerrero, Jr.: ChavoJrWCW@hotmail.com
Curt Hennig: Thats_Perfect@mailexcite.com
"Diamond" Dallas Page: DDP@WCWwrestling.com
Disco Inferno: Weggolf@aol.com
Eric Bischoff: EricBischoff@hotmail.com
Eric Bischoff: EBischoff@WCWwrestling.com
Goldberg: Annihil8or@aol.com
Hollywood Hulk Hogan: Hulkster@WCW.com
Hollywood Hulk Hogan: HoHogan@aol.com
Juventud Guerrera: AlwaysJuvi@aol.com
Kanyon/Mortis: MortisWCW@aol.com
Kevin Nash: KevinNash@nWoWrestling.com
Kevin Nash: KevinNashnWo@hotmail.com
Kimberly: Kimberly@WCWWrestling.com
Larry Zbyszko: LivinLgend@aol.com
Mean Gene Okerlund: WCWGene@aol.com
Rey Mysterio, Jr.: ReyMysterioJr@hotmail.com
Ric Flair: RicFlair@hotmail.com
Ric Flair: Nature_Boy65@hotmail.com
Saturn: Perry_SaturnWCW@hotmail.com
Scott Hall: Hall16@aol.com
Scott Hall: ScottHall@nWoWrestling.com
Scott Hall: TheBadGuynWo@hotmail.com
Sting: StingsClub@aol.com
Sting: SteveBorden@hotmail.com
Ted DiBiase: DiBiase@milliondollarman.com
Tony Schiavone: WCWschiavone@hotmail.com
The Warrior: Warruniv@aol.com
The Warrior: Warrior X 90@aol.com
WCW Feedback: WCW_feedback@WCWwrestling.com

DA STEEL CAGE is not resopsible nor wants to hear crying about some of these addresses dont work because they all do as of the day of being posted. So if anyone wants to get mad if they dont work sorry i tried!!! Try not to send alot of e-mails in a row wait it out 2-3 weeks for a response if you send alot it will be considered spam and will ultimately be trashed so be nice for these are people to!!!! WEBMASTER;BIGG JOHNSON